Richard Gien
Art, Design & Fashion Consultants

Just about a week before the Fall Asia Auction Fair in New York (It’s always a joking comment by a dear friend of mine that this is a GOLDEN WEEK of our businesses)…

Early in the morning, I was at J&R fabric store selecting black silk lining for my client’s new corset belt for the Fall collection. My cellphone rang, with the enthusiastic voice of a gentleman who had seen my ad in THE ASIAN ART NEWSPAPER, expressing interest in two of my Asian ceramics. At the time I was focused on the fabric colors, so I agreed to call him back after lunch at 2:00 pm.

We spoke punctually at 2:00 pm. The first Japanese ceramic bowl (POETIC NAME: A PIECE OF HEAVEN) seemed on the ad a high price for a first time buyer… but the second Korean bowl, which had a medium price, attracted him.

It was unusual, unpredictable fall weather in New York. The foggy sky and heavy rain lasted for about an hour and then came the bright sunny sky. Mr. Yohe called to arrive at 1:30 pm. Seated on my two tatami mats, my home gallery (building of 1836) which is in the heart of the West Village in Manhattan, the potential buyer was silently handling, gazing at the Korean bowl. He offered a price if I would accept it… I paused and asked, “Do you think you like it or do you love it?” With his gentle voice, he replied, “This Korean Punchung ware of the robe design is what I always wanted.” Immediately, I leaned over to shake his hand as a symbol, a beginning of a potential friendship, as opposed to a closing business deal affair. Finally, Mr Yohe asked if he could looked at A PIECE OF HEAVEN — as I had expected. For 7 – 8 minutes… he was almost still and silent, the loving energy in the my space was fully floating in the air. Then he started to speak, “Richard, this is a very mysterious piece… very mysterious piece.” I replied, “In my experiences of handling all the objects, I always trust that every piece will finally find a perfect home, just like us humans. A real inner home followed by an outer home.” He smiled, wrote me a happy check and brought his new baby home.

Never had I experienced such a harmonious dealing with a first time buyer who is so atuned to the heart’s feeling. And surely, I will be expecting more and more in the future.