Richard Gien
Art, Design & Fashion Consultants

The following is an e-mail that I received from one of my best students who just graduated from Parsons a week ago. I am proud and happy with my own teaching efforts, so I attach her thoughtful words to share with my readers …

Mr. Gien,

I hope you received my package today. I am on my way to the airport and I am very excited to explore London! I will contact Sally when I get over there, thank you for the contact information. I just wanted to wish you all the luck and success with your students for the next three weeks in South Africa. I feel very lucky to have had you as my teacher for the past year. I learned an incredible amount about myself and others. Your positive and nurturing nature created a safe learning environment that enabled me to confront my weaknesses and insecurities, which in turn, made me confident to explore my curiosities and aspirations. You have been more like a mentor to me and I am truly grateful for all your incite and knowledge that you have shared with me.

I cannot wait to hear about your trip and take plenty of photos!



Ps. Congratulations on the loft! It seems like time was on your side! You will be settled in, comfortably before the summer ends, just like you had foreseen for yourself!