Richard Gien
Art, Design & Fashion Consultants

“I once lived in Boston and worked as a cocktail waiter. I had a lady customer who had no arms. She smoked and drank from her bare right foot right in front of me at the bar… Isn’t that cool!” He then continued to the next sentence, “ Look for a focus point that doesn’t move; imagine you’re Oscar … an Oscar statue. And use your heart to focus, which’s always the right way. I often meditate and see a Buddha face … But of course you can imagine Dolly Parton if you want to …” Then the class started to giggle!

The above is the story of my yoga teacher’s lesson on Sunday morning. I find Tim’s harmonious smiling face and very spontaneous personality rare and charming. What a great person to connect with, especially on relaxed weekend mornings.

As a matter of fact, if one looks closer, his face does resemble Indian deities.