Richard Gien
Art, Design & Fashion Consultants

I was charged up with enthusiasm this Sunday morning at my gym, which had arranged a special stretching and dancing class with a modern dance company. Pilobolus, an unconventional company that evokes organic forms through improvisation and creative play, continues to grow, expanding and refining its unusual collaborative method to produce a body of ever-changing choreographic works.

It has been 7 or 8 years that I have been following the works of this company, so I feel extremely emotionally delighted ‘to dance,’ and to explore the body work this way with the professional dancers.

What strikes me the most is the free flowing jolly energy. The main dancer, who was teaching the class, explained that they’re paid ‘to play’ … as professional dancers. She continued to remind us “Be smart and honest … with the choices of movements”. I had so much fun with this new experience and happily lost almost three pounds after the class!!!