Richard Gien
Art, Design & Fashion Consultants

Since my sensitive body is in a state of hibernation, I am enjoying the privilege of this quiet winter afternoon by writing about Halley’s family stories that touched me.

Halley is a professional graphic photographer with whom I harmoniously collaborated on a fashion project four years ago. Last night we met again to talk about the continuity of a second fashion project – “THE LIGHT PROJECT”.

The solid hour and a half sharing time was short but deep. The positive energy of our conversation was about the general world view of things, the artistic fashion concept. Then his cell phone suddenly rang in the silence of his 7500 square foot studio. His seven year old daughter, Gabriela, was on the other end trying to stay up late and wait for papa to come home. When Halley hung up the phone, he started to chat about his daughter. He explained that regardless of the fullness of his working schedule, he does spend plenty of time with her. But there was a time, a while ago, when he missed three nights of seeing her. When she saw Halley the next morning, she held his hand gently and said to him, “Daddy, for the past few days, I have been trying to connect with you…”. I listened attentively; then he went on to the next story: Little Gabriela was on her children’s skateboard on her own when somehow she fell over, breaking her one wisdom / one main adult tooth, with blood all over her month! She cried out so loudly that, at the time, Halley was completely lost but picked her up, hugged and nurtured her. She looked into his eyes… and said, “Daddy, is okay now… There’s no more pain now.” Instantly, she stopped crying! Halley explalned that, at the time when he held her in his arms, Gabriela felt and received his love…

I am yet waiting to meet up with “this little Gabriela” sometime in the future.